Parish Affiliation Scheme

The Association operates a Parish Affiliation Scheme, which is used to provide the following services to the churches of the Diocese.

1. The Association provides a free inspection of bell installations by the Association’s tower adviser or assistant advisor for affiliated churches.

2. The Association can provide help with the training of ringers and provide courses of instruction, as resources permit.

3. The Association can make grants towards the cost of repairing, restoring or augmentation of rings of bells.

The affiliation fee is £10 a year.  If you have not previously contributed we would be glad to welcome your support and you will be able to consult us should you have a problem with which we might be able to help.

Bank transfer is by far the easiest way to pay fees to the Association. It keeps our administration overhead and bank charges to a minimum. Please make payments to the following bank account:

Bank : HSBC
Account Name : Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers Bell Restoration Fund
Sort Code : 40-35-09
Account Number : 63140067
Reference : Please insert a reference that will allow us to clearly identify your payment. For example, “Drayton PCC”.

The extent of the help that we can give depends on the amount of money in our funds. It would greatly help us and reduce costs if you could see your way to paying annually by means of a standing order/direct debit to the NDAR Treasurer.  If you need any other information or help then please contact our treasurer.  Contact details for the Association Treasurer are shown on the Current Officers page.