National Ringing & Resources

Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR)

The CCCBR is the representative body for all who ring bells in the English tradition. Founded in 1891, the Council represents 65 affiliated societies (including the NDA), which cover all parts of the British Isles as well as centres of ringing globally. The CCCBR website contains many useful resources for ringers.

Major National Events

Certain major events (such as Remembrance Sunday, major royal events and big sporting events), involve the coordination of ringing nationally and sometimes internationally. Details of such events will be posted on this page as details become available.

Operation London Bridge – The CCCBR website contains detailed guidelines to be followed by bellringers in the event of the death of a monarch (Operation London Bridge), these can be found by clicking here (Please note the current guidelines are being revised but will have similarities to Operation London Bridge which was used for the death of Queen Elizabeth II) is simply the most comprehensive on-line catalogue of change ringing resources available. Started in 1994 by the late Roger Bailey, it remains the primary resource for all things ringing related. Whatever you are looking for ringing wise, start your search here