The Association strongly encourages all bellringers within the Norwich Diocese to join the NDA. Membership provides opportunities for ringers to participate in a wide range of ringing activities with fellow ringers. Membership also provides vital funds for the Association to promote ringing within the Diocese, provide training activities for all members and sponsor bell restoration projects and maintenance activities.
Members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and, following the introduction of the GDPR in May 2018, with a fully completed Membership Application Form which can be found below. Please return your completed forms to the Hon. Treasurer.
This form includes a Gift Aid section. Members who are UK taxpayers are strongly encouraged to complete this section to help boost the Association’s funds.
Subscription Fees
For details on how to pay membership fees please visit the Payments to the Association.
The following table lists the current membership subscription fees for the Association:
Annual Membership
- Members£15
- Members (under 21) in full-time education£6
- Associate Members (for non-ringers and former ringers)£6
Life Membership (single payment)
- Life Members£100
Peal Booking Fee
- The Association peal booking fee (first peal free)£1
Association Badges
- Association Badge (from Branch Secretaries)£5
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer the Norwich Diocesan Association of Ringers can claim back 25% of your subscriptions, either as a one-off, and/or for the past 4 years and, without the need to submit another from, for future subscriptions, until you advise otherwise.
Please print and complete this gift aid declaration form and post (or scan and email) to the Treasurer (contact details can be found here).